Thursday, February 12, 2015


February 12 Thursday,
First Blog Update!
How about that, we are going to continue using this blog for the entire academy at grade eight! We are so excited to keep giving you updates on our history class, so we are done making our electronic posters that PS. Mak told us to do.

Graphics and fonts and layout choices

This is how we edit and choose our fonts and layout, pictures are shown below.

 So, thats how we end up staying in that layout!

Roles of Team Member

Hillary- In charge of daily updates in Worldview classes.
Christopher- Is in charge of editing and formatting the blog.
Nicholas Bryan- In charge of keeping the blog on its track.
Steven- In charge of keeping up ideas for the team and blog.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Team Bio - Chris

Chris is my team mate for history and worldview. he's in the same class like me of course (8A).
he's kind of annoying sometimes but he worked hard. he liked to make jokes i guess or maybe everything he said was funny.
he came to Springfield in 2008 and he said that he came here because he wanted to.
Chris really loved to play soccer. that's the thing he wont ever give up.
he actually wanted to be remembered as the "clumsy" one. he didn't volunteered in any activities because he didn't want to. he really wanted for people to know that he played soccer.
How did you arrive at being a student at SF? What path brought you here? I have arrived at SF at 2007 as a Primary 1 student, 
What are you known for in life? What talents do you have? IT skills
What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your your friends? What do your best friends say about you? Technology problems, 
Where have you gone to school in the past? And what have you liked most to study? Trinity Kindergarten
What are you most passionate about spiritually? What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make? Technology
What are you passionate about academically? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about? Science
Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon? In the mall or at home
How long have you been a serious student? If not one, when do you intend to start? I have been a serious my whole life
Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now? I grew up in Indonesia.
Any volunteer activities you’re crazy about? Computer club
Any nonprofits you love, & why? 
Any awards or medals, or even medallions? Personal okay, too. 3rd Winner IT Technology in Jakarta
What would be impossible for you to give up? Computers
Why would someone not want to work with you? Everyone wants to work with me
How do you want to be remembered? As the best student in technology
Anything else you’d like to tell people about yourself? I damn good

Team Bio -Steven

Steven came to Springfield at 2006, Kindergarten. He is mostly known for good at science. He is good at solving math and science. His friends say he is smart but sometimes got easily distracted. His first school was Springfield. One of his favorite subject is Science. Steven is most passionate about technology. He is very passionate in school about Science and Math. Steven really enjoys Science. He talks about Technology all the time. He have been a serious student for 4 years! He is born in Jakarta, and will go to America. He is very interested in Computer and Gaming club. He got a special certificate in Science, Art and IT. Its impossible for him to leave his obsession in Computer and Science. He have zero trust. He want to be remembered as one of the most smart student in Springfield.  

Team Bio- Hillary

Hillary Chandra

  • She came to Springfield at 2010 going here introduced by her parents, since P4 when she came here she has been a serious person, she grew up in Jakarta, she joins and serves church for a volunteering thing, she likes watching movie for a entertainment, she surprisingly won the bible storytelling award in the whole Jakarta and also an ice skating medal. She never gives up on loving people she loves, sometimes because she acts weird and people doesn't want to work with her, she wants to be remembered as being a loyal person to everybody, the last thing is that she likes pets like cats and dogs.